The Role of Support in Building Strong Emotional Resilience

Getting support

Supporting the development of Emotional Capability and Positivity

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

                                    - Frederick Douglass

Support is the cornerstone of emotional resilience. It provides children with the stability and encouragement they need to thrive in the face of challenges. When a child knows they have someone to rely on, they are more likely to develop the skills and mindset necessary to navigate life’s difficulties. 

Learning how to overcome challenges and being able to see past them with a sense of self worth and purpose are not easily developed in isolation, they helped with a supportive family, good friends and well intentioned professionals.

Developing capability requires the development of skills that children can be helped with. Just knowing that there is someone on their sides can go a long way to creating positivity in children.

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Learning to believe in Emotional Resilience

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."

                                                                      - Albert Einstein

Emotional Resilience

My Background

For almost 20 years, I have been working to understand the health and well-being of children using surveys and assessments to capture their perceptions, views, and experiences. I believe that In order to have a positive effect on the mental health and well-being of children we need to understand the forces that affect them. We need to be able to answer the question “What do children need to cope better with the world they live in, have positive experiences, value themselves and others, and ultimately thrive?”.

For most of that time , I have also worked with young offenders supported by Youth Offending Teams, striving to understand why they have offended and what support they need to make better choices, develop a sense of purpose, and avoid reoffending. Some of these young people were deeply affected by traumatic events outside their control. Working with  the Youth Offending Service I became aware of the Trauma Recovery Mode (TRM)l which is typically divided into three phases, stability, capability and positivity.

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Helping Students Overcome Adversity: A Path to Resilience

Facing Adversity Together

Emotional Resilience

  • Every child encounters challenges, big and small, that can impact their well-being at home and at school. Building resilience equips them not only to face and overcome these obstacles but also to learn from them, so that instead of diminishing their wellbeing, they emerge stronger. 

Building a Foundation of Stability

  • Having a stable foundation is essential so students can effectively overcome challenges. Physical fitness, proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, emotional regulation, and strong social support all play a role in creating this stability. When a child’s basic needs are met, and their environment is supportive, they’re more resilient in the face of difficulties. Stability helps ensure that challenges won’t overwhelm them, providing a sense of security that allows them to tackle problems with greater confidence and focus.

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