Emotional resilience and recovering from trauma

Emotional resilience is the capacity to recover from adversity, stress, and traumatic events. In young people, this trait is particularly crucial as they navigate the complexities of growing up, forming their identities, and developing coping mechanisms. Emotional resilience involves a combination of internal strengths and external support systems, allowing individuals to bounce back from hardships and maintain psychological well-being. Key components of emotional resilience include self-awareness, self-regulation, optimism, mental agility, and strong interpersonal relationships. Developing these skills helps young people to process and manage their emotions effectively, enabling them to adapt to changing circumstances and recover from setbacks more swiftly.

We examine emotional resilience in the following areas:

  • Stability - structure and routine
  • Trust - relationships
  • Recognition - processing past experience 
  • Acceptance - Development of confidence in thinking and planning
  • Future - Sense of purpose and achievement
  • Confidence - Increased self-determination and success

We examine Trauma in the following areas:

  • Trying to fit in, falling out with friends or feeling excluded
  • Experiencing bullying, whether physical, verbal, or online
  • Expectations to conform and to do well at school
  • Getting into trouble at home at school or with the police
  • Problems at home such as money, drug misuse or violence
  • Being pressured to get involved in criminal activities, drugs or extremism
  • The breakdown of parent/carers' relationships causing emotional distress
  • The death of a loved one
  • Being the victim of exploitation
  • Global issues: war, covid, climate change

Understanding emotional resilience and trauma cross the school - Survey

Schools that comprehend where their pupils may need additional support with emotional resilience can implement systems tailored to meet those needs effectively. With YouCanSay, we provide reports by school year and by form group. This allows form tutors to see how their specific group compares to the year as a whole, enabling them to offer targeted support where it is most needed.

Understanding emotional resilience and trauma for an individual - Assesment

When working with individual children using the Trama Recover Model it is vitally important for the foundations of the model (stability and building trusted relationships) in order to be able to address taruma and try to find a path to recovery, then achievement and success. Our Emotional Resiliance and Trauma assessment helps the worker and the young person to understand their emotional resilience when they start working together and then to see how and if they have mangeged to improve their resilience after they have worked together.

To learn more or schedule a demonstration, click on our online chat or you can call us on 01189 781078 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss.


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